Our Projects

Stocorp EHS Outsourcing

Project Name: EHS Outsourcing Services – Sto Corp. Project Description: Sto Corp is a worldwide manufacturer and supplier of architectural building exterior products including stucco and insulated panels. In 2007 RMA began providing EHS outsourcing services to four Sto Corp manufacturing facilities in North America. Currently we help each facility keep up to date and compliant with all applicable federal, state, and local environmental and safety requirements in the U.S. and Canada, we track and complete […]

MBLW Sewer

Project Name: Rottenwood Creek Sewer Interceptor Project – Marietta Board of Lights & Water (MBLW) Project Description: Because of significant signs of system fatigue and corrosion, MBLW identified the need to replace this portion of sanitary sewer system. The existing Rottenwood Creek corridor sanitary sewer system was nearing the end of its functional service life, which ultimately led to the relocation and replacement of approximately 5,600 linear feet of new sewer pipe. This project included […]

Koch Foods AL

Project Name: New Poultry Feed Mill – Civil Engineering & Rail Design Project – Koch Foods Project Description: Due to increased production demands and needs of KF, a new feed mill site was selected in Attalla AL. RMA was awarded civil engineering services, rail design services, permitting and construction support services. Through many initial concept designs and preliminary engineering discussions, RMA found the use of visual aids and renderings helpful in discussions so that the […]

DDCWSA Stormwater

Project Name: Chapel Hill Farms Stormwater Improvement Project – Douglasville-Douglas County Water & Sewer Authority (DDCWSA) Project Description: Because of significant indications of pipe failure and known hydraulic limitations of the existing stormwater culvert, DDCWSA identified and decided to study and replace the existing culvert at Chapel Hill Farms. The existing and undersized twin 60” corrugated metal pipes were replaced with twin 8’x8’ embedded box culverts to allow for greater flow, alleviate upstream flooding issues, and […]

Food Manufacturer Wastewater Spill Cleanup Project

Food Manufacturers Wastewater Spill Clean Up Project in Georgia that affected local & state water streams and county municipality. RMA was instrumental in helping the manufacturer meet and code enforcement issues over a period of four months of sampling, planning, mitigation, and rebuilding. Further, the RMA team made them a priority and guided them through the whole process from the cleanup phase and back to operations. We also did the heavy lifting in meetings with local, State, and Federal Officials.